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Lion Paw Tonic Natural Roots Drink

Lion Paw Tonic Natural Roots Drink

Regular price $30.99 USD
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Lion Paw Super Herbal Tonic Natural Roots Drink
Lion Paw Wood Root Tonic

Drinking Lion Paw 5oz daily will do the body great, best to be taken in the morning for lion paw to energize the entire body.
Lion Paw Super Herbal Tonic Natural Roots Drink Lion Paw is a tonic that is created to strengthen the prostate gland, stimulate the thyroid gland, boost immune system and stimulate the sexual organs that one can accomplish their full sexual desire with in sexual intercourse. Lion Paw has no chemical or alcohol added. Lion Paw Wood Root Tonic Product profileLion paw is a tonic that is created to strengthen the prostate gland, and to stimulate the sexual organ that one can accomplish their full sexual desire with in sexual intercourse. Lion Paw has no chemical or alcohol added, however, over time due to its natural fermentation alcohol level may develop of up to 3%.
Uses: Drinking Lion Paw wood root tonic for several days will gain great health benefit such as to stimulate thyroid gland, boast your immune system. With Lion Paw, you instantly feel the effect of the natural roots; you will feel the firey burning sensation. You feel the strength in drinking this healthy roots tonic, and then you will know this is the true roots tonic for you, and then your desire would be to drink Lion Paw roots tonic continually for such a great health benefit Lion Paw brings to the public for people to consume, instead of chemical drinks that’s in your community, in the store on the shelf, because daily intake of these chemical drinks can create problems for the intestine and colon. They are also full of sugar that the body rejects.
Ingredients: Yohimbe bark, saw palmetto, cayenne, fenugreek seed powder, horny goat weed, gota cola, catuba bark, just to name a few herbs that uses in Lion Paw roots tonic. Yohimbe bark use as one of the main ingredient in Lion Paw. Yohimbe is to stimulate the organ of the reproductive system and energize the blood vesicles so that the organ and the kidney function properly. Saw palmetto is a herb agent assist with nutrient to clean the prostate, stimulate the organs, it supports energy for endurance throughout daily activities. Cayenne pepper gives Lion Paw a warming sensation shoot that thyroid, cayenne will normalize blood pressure, and steady the nerves, if taken internally as a tea, used for coughs colds consumption and breaking up mucus congestion.

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